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Title: An Efficient Data Packets Scheduling Of Scheme For Internet Of Things Networks”
Authors: Kumari, Rajni
Keywords: Electronic and Communication Engineering
Issue Date: 2020
Abstract: Due to the scarce energy supplies of the internet of things (IoT) devices, it is necessary to design the architecture and operation of the network to optimize the power usage. Scheduling algorithm is an essential part of WSNs and IoT networks.Such algorithms allow to classify the queues and decide which process to run. Therefore, scheduling message at cluster head nodes has been suggested for this study. Long hop (LH) first algorithm is new unified scheduling technique that schedules high priority for data comes from far distances and accesses higher number of devices to be routed first to the target. The performance experience shows the proposed method compares with two existing studies, a popular scheduling algorithm is called first-come-first-serve (FCFS) and nearest job next (NJN) algorithms. The results and simulation have been shown that the proposed study has less Packet loss and maximize throughput. In addition, it minimizes the packets delay and loss, transmission distance.
Appears in Collections:Electronic and Communication Engineering

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